The traveler that crosses the Rucar-Bran lane which separates and in the same time unifies the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountain massifs, will recognize the originality and the beauty of the hilly and hollow region. Being an old lane connection between Transylvania and Wallachia, the Rucar-Bran lane offers many customs and traditions in their original form. So does the program offered by EcoXtrem .
The hurried traveler can go through the splendid highway corridor that connects Brasov to Campulung Muscel. But those who think that crossing the road will meet the deep space, are wrong. Often, not far from the ribbon, an incredible and unknown peaceful world appears. Taking the mountains’ paths
you will be surprised how you loose the altitude that was conquered with so much effort. You will see the colored houses of the villages and in the background the impressive landscape of the mountains. This is how you can meet the ruins of the Oratii Citadel.
you will be surprised how you loose the altitude that was conquered with so much effort. You will see the colored houses of the villages and in the background the impressive landscape of the mountains. This is how you can meet the ruins of the Oratii Citadel.
The curiosity will push you even more. The locals say that the fortress was built by people who lived in the region. Others think that it was built by the Teutonic knights, but there is no documents to certify that work.
Initially, the citadel was designed as a defense fortress under the name of Neamt Fortress. It is said that even Count Dracula stayed here for a while and it was once caught by the Turks into the citadel. Subsequently it became a customs point, but when the trading ended and the city was abondoned, the citadel was destroyed. Nowadays, the citadel is known as Oratii as the name of the valley that lies at its foot.
However, no one knows how the citadel actually looked like. The county council initiated a projected for the rehabilitation, but this will be difficult as there is no picture of the former building. Some architects from Bucharest have come and tried to imagine how the citated shoud be built, given the existing ruins but it seems that they do not succeeded as the projected did not start.
So, how it would you imagine it? You, the traveler, will have the entire freedom to imagine how the citadel really looked like.